Flag room.



Discarded American Flags, Swivel Seat, Spot Lights


You can sit on the seat in the center of the room and spin around like a child or you can just walk around the room and take it all in. It just depends on what you’re feeling.

Panda stood in this room for hours with different groups of people and everyone started opening up and sharing things with one another that they have never talked about or felt comfortable sharing until that point. It was a moment in time she will never forget.

“Something happens when you walk into the Flag Room. Something comes over you— it’s like this blanket of truth,” Panda shared.

Panda created this room from hundreds of discarded American flags she acquired from local American Legions and VFW’s she was working with. She explained her vision to them and asked if they would donate the discarded flags to her instead of having them burned after the flag ceremonies they have. They agreed and Panda created this Flag Room she calls, Our Children’s, Children’s, Children.

Panda went on to collect several thousand flags in hopes of one day creating an entire flag room, floor to ceiling.
