

55” X 67” X 23”

139.7 X 170.2 X 58.4 cm

A visual representation of how life should be lived.

For years and years, Panda was always taking pictures of everything she saw that she liked or that inspired her— lots and lots of quotes! After several years of processing the film and collecting all the photographs she decided to compile them all together into something grand!

At the time, Panda was a single mom working two jobs. There were days she was too tired to read to her son or teach him. On those days, Oz (Panda’s son) would go study all the quotes and people on this work of art. This piece helped Panda raise her son and teach him, when she was too tired to do so herself.

This work was originally titled OUTSIDE THE BOX, but Panda’s son, Oz, renamed it. He felt like ORACLE was the perfect name for it, so ORACLE it was!
